Sunday, June 24, 2012


I will be adding another key concept the a child's learning with this post about rhyming. Rhyming is not always an easy concept for children to absorb. A child first has to have letter sound knowledge and be able to tell when two words have the same sound along with depicting the difference. While reading books to your child or students, stop and ask them what they heard or was similar between two words. In the picture above I have an activity were the children connect words that rhyme. My coworker found this activity in a book, but you could take the idea and just find your own images that rhyme. By putting a hole punch in each side of the picture and then using toy links your able to connect the cards together. The students have to sound out the name of the image and then find one that rhymes. They can also see how many words rhyme with each other in one chain. During group time a teacher could also either give the students a word to rhyme with or have them give you a word for you to rhyme. The second example is a good way to introduce rhyming and then transition into them giving a rhyme to a word. Playing the name game is always fun too, were you make funny rhymes with a child's name. We have played this game as a group and while dismissing to the coat rack. I myself find it challenging at time to find rhymes to words, so give this concept some time with many opportunities to practice. When a child is learning to make rhymes don't worry if they are nonsense words, just that they are understanding the concept. Just like I have said in many other post, make sure the children are having fun and not getting discouraged then the learning will be a success.

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