Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ruby Bridges

The Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles is a great book to illustrate how diversity and racism took place between blacks and whites. In this book a little black girl is appointed by the government to attend a white school. The history and reactions of desegregation are played out in this child friendly book. Since we are talking about history in this book, it is also very informational. A friend of mine who used to teach 1st grade has used this book with her students. Students can learn about the lifestyle of black African Americans and what they had to go through in order to receive the same educational rights as the white folks. History is told in the book The Story of Ruby Bridges. There were laws in the early 1900's that separated the blacks and whites into two different schools. The Story of Ruby Bridges tells how these laws were broken during racial desegregation. What I really like about this book is that the topic of desegregation is brought down to the students level, which can make a bigger impact on the students.When talking about history to younger students I think that it is important to find a book like The Story of Ruby Bridges that the students can relate to easier to introduce the topic being taught. Then students can relate back to the book as the learning continues.

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